Studying the art of Momentum Charles Gillams and the Monogram Capital Management team help Professional Investors and their clients diversify their portfolios, reduce volatility and stay nimble with their investments. Our model Investment Management Model A multi-asset algorithm based model with a focus on stability, lower volatility and long-term results. No fad stocks or crypto here. Steered by our Chief Investment Officer Charles Gillams, it has made a 26% return from April 2020 to December 2022 from the sterling (unhedged) model and 20% in the same period for the USD (hedged) model. Important risk warning: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Returns gross of fees. We deal exclusively with Professional Investors. Investment Management Model A multi-asset algorithm based model with a focus on stability, lower volatility and long-term results. No fad stocks or crypto here. Steered by our Chief Investment Officer Charles Gillams, it has made a 26% return from April 2020 to December 2022 from the sterling (unhedged) model and 20% in the same period for the USD (hedged) model. Important risk warning: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Returns gross of fees. We deal exclusively with Professional Investors. Sole Investment Adviser A highly rated multi-strategy fund, making it a top performer in the category in the UK. A solid fund for stable investors, with volatility less than two-thirds of the S&P500. Charles Gillams co-manages with Mark Lynam at ICF management ltd. Ready to hold true? Important risk warning: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Returns gross of fees. We deal exclusively with Professional Investors. Co-managed with Partnering with Professional We exclusively work with Professional Investors, Private Wealth Managers, Family Office Advisers and Pensions & Charities. We also work with the advisers of High Net Worth Individuals on their instruction. We do not work with retail clients. Experienced & Diligent. At the heart of Monogram is a solid commitment to zero babble, 100% integrity and an alignment of interests with those of our clients. With a proven-track record, we work to help you support your clients’ financial goals, elegantly and consistently over the long-term. Our investment We move quickly when we need to, quietly, confidently and steadily. We do not follow the herd. We deliberately run both an active and passive strategy. Each acts as a benchmark against the other. Both are in the Targeted Absolute Return segment with lower volatility designed in. Our MomentuM Model using proprietary monitoring of major market movements makes recommendations - which are discussed by our investment committee - with a detailed understanding of the momentum method.
in markets since 1985MonograM Momentum Model
MonograM Momentum Model
VT Global Total Return Fund (UCITS)
Investors & Wealth Managers
Plain talking Tacticians.
Targeted Absolute Return Fund | Capital Investment Management for Professional Investors
Monogram Capital Management Ltd is a fund management and research firm founded in 2009 and headquartered in London. The firm operates in the targeted absolute return space. It does not deal with retail clients directly – if you wish to invest as a retail client, please do so on the advice of your own independent financial advisers. Its client base includes elective professionals, independent financial advisers, and family offices.
MCM acts as investment manager to the MonograM Momentum Model, and as the investment adviser to the VT Global Total Return Fund UCITS.
The MonograM MomentuM model is run by Charles Gillams.
The MonograM Momentum Fund made 14.5% in the last full calendar year (Jan – Dec 2021) for its USD clients and 10.3% for its GBP client base. To find out more about the model itself, please click here.
The Monogram Momentum model monthly performance newsletters are on this page.
The VT Global Total Return Fund is a Morningstar 5-star and Lipper 5 rated UK UCITS. Its Authorized Corporate Director is VT and its Investment Manager is icf Management Ltd. Learn more on what they do here.
Charles Gillams is co-manager and MCM are the investment adviser. VT-GTRF can be accessed through most major platforms (such as Hargreaves Landsdown, A.J. Bell etc., or directly via VT).
You can learn more about the MonograM Momentum Fund here, or the VT GTRF in our website here, and on the icf website here.
Insights & commentaryfrom Charles Gillams
Central Banks,interest rates,Emerging markets,Debt,Geopolitics
The two massive current market questions are about liquidity and rates: maybe that’s just one question. So, do we now question our long-held assumptions? The…
investment markets,USA,Opinion
Trump’s win with a clean sweep was a surprise, and one that recalibrates the investing world. Most UK media, right or left expects we want to hear ongoing…
Hung out to dry?
Opinion,UK Politics,USA,Geopolitics
Or perhaps in a flap. Odd how we keep getting our Budgets the wrong side of bigger global stories and greater uncertainty, thereby hitting a bond sell off.…